2023年1月30日 07:55 发表于

我不能出金! ! !
这是我第一次投资这家公司。我第一次交易并赚钱了,我提取了600美元。 3天后寄出。然后我继续交易并赚取了更多利润。我想多取2000美元。钱1个星期也没来,我在公司的账户里总共存了4470美元。在您确认之前不要向这家公司投资。我还将用相关语言发起必要的投诉。我的元交易号是140905106
I can’t Withdraw money !!!
This is my first time investing in this company. I traded and made a profit for the first time I withdraw 600 usd. Sent 3 days later. I then continued trading and made some more profits. I wanted to withdraw 2000 usd more. The money hasn't come for exactly 1 week, and my total of 4470 usd money is kept in my account at the company. Do not invest money in this company until you are sure. I will also initiate the necessary complaints to the relevant languages. my meta trade number is 140905106