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    OM 6551
    2023年1月22日 04:49 发表于 英国


    Viber联系我让我注册加入该群组,群组超过200人,每个人都在谈论这个平台有多好。温迪联系我,我们通过电话聊了很久,我也被说服投资火箭项目,一共投资了50000英镑,并开始在名为Wintersnowx的平台交易。几周后,平台更名为GSM公司,仍在使用MT5 进行交易,又过了几周,它更名为OBFX,在平台交易一个月一共赚了508美元。我提交取款申请后,他们清空了我的帐户,同时我无法访问自己的账户。所有的钱也从帐户中消失了。我需要支持和帮助,拿回资金,并提醒人们注意欺诈行为。这家公司和一群人想方设法骗你的钱,一切都是骗局。 GSM、OBFX都是一伙的,都是虚假的诈骗公司。我有完整的通信证据、电子邮件、MT5账户和个人账户详细信息,以及相关公司信息和通过BInace存款的证据。我希望能得到一些帮助。

    fraud is group of people
    I was contracted by Viber to register the group as they have over 200 people crowed group everyone talking about it how great platform is it . girl calm Wendy contract me and talk to her lots of time over the phone also I was convince to invest over all for Rocket project I hav invested £50000 and start trading with company call Wintersnowx . after few weeks is Chnage to GSM company still trading with MT5 and few weeks later it’s Change to OBFX and traded for month made 508 usd total . in return of withdraw they clear my account and block my account without access . all the money was vanish from account also . need support and help to recycler the funds as well as warn to people about fraud . this company and group of people play some game to take your money . simply they are farud . Wintersnowx WintersnowFX . GSM OBFX this all Company are same and they all fake and fraud . I have full pack of evidence for communication , emails , MT5 account details and account details . also evidence of company and money deposit through BInace . I hope I will get some help .


