Nong klangpet
2023年1月19日 11:14 发表于

你想让我对你的平台感到满意。我没有得到解决方案。每次我收到相同的电子邮件取款交易日期的相同消息日期19/1/66 按照你说的方式,钱今天会到账,仍然没有像以前那样收到60 美元的金额,这就是你的解决方案。一周后,它告诉我再等一周,我应该等到3000 年吗?我希望这个修复程序尽快修复。我会继续给满意的评价。
You want me to be satisfied with your platform. I didn't get the solution. Every time I get the same email Same message from the withdrawal transaction date
Date 19/1/66 The way you said that the money will come in today, still haven't received the amount of 60 $ as before, this is your solution.
After a week it told me to wait another week should I wait until the year 3000 or not?
I hope this fix is fixed soon. I will continue to give satisfactory ratings.