2023年1月8日 08:22 发表于

我把钱给了这家公司,让他们为我交易。在获得一些利润后,他们告诉我,我必须在我的交易账户上支付10% 的交易商费用。这意味着我必须先支付交易商费用,然后才能出金投资。完全没有道理!所以我向Cyb3rnub.net 法律部门提起诉讼,以获得快速提款。不要与不断将名称从Rui win 更改为Victoria capital 骗子团伙的公司互动
fraud alert
I gave my money to this firm and for them to trade it for me. After getting
some profits they told me that I have to pay
a broker's fee of 10% on my trading account.That means I have to pay the broker's feefirst before I can withdraw investment . Totally unreasonable! so i filed lawsuit with Cyb3rnub.net legal department to get a quick recovery. Do not interact with the firm that keeps changing name from Rui win to Victoria capital gang of con scammers