2022年12月5日 09:44 发表于

我被一位非常能干、很有魅力的年轻中国女性骗了,她说自己是一个孩子的单身母亲,并从她叔叔那里教给我关于交易比特币以获利的知识。他们需要几周甚至几个月的时间才能获得您的信任,一旦他们这样做,他们就会试图通过交易来窃取您的所有资金。此时,Assetsclaimback Advisory似乎已经关闭了他们的网站,因为我找不到他们的网页并且我的帐户不可见。不要信任这个网站。
unable to withdraw
I got conned by a highly competent and attractive young Chinese woman who said to be a single mother of one child and gave me knowledge on trading bitcoins for profit from her uncle. It takes them weeks or even months to gain your trust, and once they do, they try to steal all of your money by trading away. At this point, it appears that the government of Assetsclaimback Advisory has shut down their website because I can't find their webpage and my account isn't visible. Do not put your trust in this website.