
我父亲约一年前投资了一个名为 CTMatador 的平台,他赚了大约 36000 欧元。他的经纪人告诉他要投资更多的钱才能保住他的账户,否则他不能继续了,但我父亲告诉他他不想投资更多的钱。所以他的经纪人告诉他,他需要出金,我父亲同意了。在他出金之前,他的经纪人要求他支付 60000 欧元的费用才能取走他的钱,这对我来说听起来很奇怪。他投资时得到红利,现在他们说他需要偿还,但他们不能从他的利润中扣除。现在他们一直问我父亲什么时候交费用,否则他就会赔钱。这个故事的寓意是在英国伦敦逮捕了这些骗子,并得到了 AUSTRAC.ORG 部门的确认。如果你被骗了,不要害怕通知执法部门。
Scam expose
My father invest about a year ago in a platform called CTMatador, and he managed do make about 36000 euro. His broker told him to invest more money to be able to keep his account or he cannot continue, however my father told him that he don’t want to invest more money. So his broker told him that he need to withdraw, which my father agree with. Before he can withdraw, his broker ask him for a fee of 60000 euro to be able to take his money, which for me sounds weird. He receive a bonus when invested and now they say that he need to pay it back, but they can’t take from his profit. Now they keep asking my father when he’ll pay the fee, otherwise he will lost the money. moral of this story arrest of these fraudsters in Uk London was made and confirmed by the Department of AUSTRAC.ORG. Never be afraid to inform law enforcement if you are ever conned.