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    2022年11月29日 23:04 发表于 阿尔及利亚


    我是sofian Alzghoul,我已经成为 MTFE 的投资者两个月了,我的账户 ID 是1557908。今天 11 月 29 日格林威治标准时间 14:40 我在MTFE的APP上开仓了,由于APP出了问题,我失去了所有交易保证金,这是我开仓时所有的净账户余额,而这笔钱是我在开仓时没有投进去的。我很遗憾地说,尽管我试图在那之前完成交易超过两次(附件中的证据),在我所有的工作和利润和损失之后,这是最糟糕的,因为它是一个严重的滑点。由于APP在开仓时出了问题,持续了大约 3 分钟,甚至图表都没有显示,而且在我试图平仓时仓位也没有任何变化(亏损 700 美元)。这个问题不仅仅发生在我身上,我有 3 个我认识的朋友也因为这个问题而失去了所有投资。该APP有一个止损机制,该机制在消息中也不起作用,支持说在 70% 损失时它应该自动停止损失,尽管我手动将其设置为 30%,但对我来说关闭方法就是爆仓 ,这笔交易甚至夺走了我在那笔交易中的净账户价值。这笔交易的交易保证金是 3163,其余的资金是我以 3000 美元开始我的投资之旅,最高达到 4500 美元,现在我的账户是 -10k,这是不合逻辑的,如果止损起作用了,就不应该发生了(附件中的证据)。我希望您能帮忙协调这个问题,因为该平台客服将此结果归咎于市场和投资风险,而忽略了止损功能不起作用以及APP在交易过程中冻结的事实。我特此请求赔偿,因为我的损失是由于在开仓过程中APP出了问题导致的,甚至我设置的自动止损或手动止损都不起作用,并损失了我用于交易的资金加上我没有使用的资金(以账户净值计)。

    application bugging during trade caused losing all
    Mu name is sofian Alzghoul, I've been an Investor in MTFE for two months account ID (1557908) Today on November 29th 14:40GMT I opened up a position in the application and due to the application bugging I lost all of the Trading margin that I opened up the deal with along with what I had in my net account value that I didn't enter the position with. I'm sad to report that after all the work and the profits and losses I had this was the worst since it was a SEVERE SLIPPAGE although I tried to close the deal before that happend more than two times (proofs in attachments) but due to the application bugging for about 3 minutes with the position open ,even the chart wasn't showing for me nor was there anychanges in the position as I was trying to close out on (700usd in loss). This bug didn't happen to ME ONLY ,I have 3 freinds that I know of who lost all investment over this bug too. The application has a stop lose mechanism that that didn't work too in a message with the support the said at 70% loss it should stop lose automatically although I had it at 30% manually , but instead the closing method for me was a BLOW OUT ,it even took what I had in my net account value with that one deal. Trading margin for this deal was 3163, and the rest of the fund was I started my investment journey with 3000USD had it up to about 4500USD and now my account is -10k which isn't logical and shouldn't happen if the stop loss had happened (proofs attached). I hope you mitigate this issue since the support team blamed this on market and investments risks and neglect the fact that the stop loss function didn't work and the application freezing in the middle of a transaction. I hereby appeal to a compensation since my loss was due to the application bugging in the middle of an opened position and even the automatic stop lose or the manual stop lose I had installed didn't work and lost the funds I used for the deal plus the funds I didn't use (had them in net account value).


