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    2022年11月16日 13:25 发表于 加拿大

    Assetsclaimback Inc 是诈骗

    来自奥地利的 assets claim back(assetsclaimback.com) 公司。这家公司是骗局。他们在几个论坛上发布广告。他们骗了我 105300 美元。 assetsclaimback 的联系人是 andre simone(whatsapp 是 61480048673。)我被骗了 SHANGQUAN购买差价合约的国际公司。在我检查之后 SHANGQUAN国际网站论坛。 assestsclaimback 有许多虚假广告,表明该公司可以恢复丢失的数字加密货币。实际上,这家公司是客户第一次被骗后的第二个骗子。如何通过 assetscalimback 进行诈骗。首先,他们要求客户提供最初诈骗者的发送地址和接收地址。他们说要使用区块链跟踪和三角测量技术。然后要求客户设置旧版本的区块链钱包。他们会要求客户在区块链钱包中创建新帐户。他们还需要知道该钱包的钱包 ID 和密码。然后在旧版本的区块链钱包中,他们会将导入的地址设置为退款。在chargeback address里,他们会告诉客户要回收多少资金。(注意:钱是假的,是从他们自己的钱包里导入的)。然后要求客户支付 10% 的定金,因为他们说最初的骗子设定了某种协议。如果客户想要取回款项,客户需要支付 10% 的定金。此时此刻,客户非常紧张,急于要回钱。它可以发送 10% 的定金。为了吸引客户,他们说他们会帮助客户,如果客户没有足够的钱可以存入一些资金。一旦客户存入保证金,保证金将自动发送到骗子自己的钱包中。但他们会显示分离区块链钱包地址的分离百分比。一旦客户将资金存入区块链钱包,客户存入的资金将自动发送到assetclamback钱包,因为他们在客户区块链钱包中放置了脚本程序。一旦金额达到一定水平,押金将自动消失。在这家公司的第一次骗局之后。然后他们想第二次骗我。因为在第一个骗局中,assetsclaimbback 说他们无法完成分离。 assetscliamback 告诉我,他使用某种技术在不分离的情况下获得资金回收。然后他让我创建 exodus 钱包。他给了我一个链接,可以在他的链接中注册 exodus 钱包。当打开他提供给我的网站链接时,该链接会要求我为 exodus 钱包填写 12 个短语。一旦将 exodus 钱包中的 12 短语放在他的网站链接中,他就会将他的脚本程序放入 exodus 钱包中。 assetclaimback 会将他自己的钱包钱放在客户端 exodus 钱包中。然后他会要求客户将一些资金存入exodus钱包以取出恢复资金。一旦客户将资金存入 exodus 钱包,所有资金都会自动发送到 assetclaimback 钱包。 assetsclaimback 与我有合同。但合同是假的。在合同中,公司的注册号与网站上的公司名称不符。他们使用假公司与客户签订合同。他们利用客户的疲软情绪和对数字加密货币的有限知识来欺骗客户。请避开这家回收公司。

    Assetsclaimback Inc is scam
    Assets claim back( assetsclaimback.com ) inc from Austria. This company is scam. They post their advertisements on several forums. They scam me 105300$. The contact person from assetsclaimback is Andre simone(whatsapp is 61480048673. ) I was scammed by Shangquan internation inc by buy CFD. After i check the shangquan internation in website forum. The assestsclaimback has many fake advertisements to show this company can recovery  the lost digital crypto. Actually, this company is second scammer after the clients has first scam experience. How to scam by assetscalimback. First, they ask clients to give the sending address and receiving address from the initial scammer. They say to use blockchain tracking and triangulation technology. Then ask clients to set up old version blockchain wallet. They will ask clients to create new account in blockchain wallet. Also they need to know wallet id and password for that wallet.  Then in old version blockchain wallet, they will set imported address as charge back. In chargeback address, they will show the clients how much fund will recovery.(Note: the money is fake, it is imported from their own wallet) . Then ask the clients to put the 10% deposit because they said the initial scammer set some kind of protocol. If the clients want to get the money back, clients need to 10% deposit.  At this moment, the clients are so nervous and eager to get the money back. It could send 10% deposit. In order to lure the clients, they said they will help the clients and put some funds into deposit if clients don’t have enough money to put. Once clients put the deposit money in, the deposit fund will automatically send to scammer’s own wallet.  But they will show the detaching how many percent in detaching address of blockchain wallet.  Once clients deposit fund into blockchain wallet, the deposit fund from clients will automatically send to assetclamback wallet, because they put script program in the client blockchain wallet. The deposit money will be gone automatically once the amount is reached at some level. After first scam from this company. Then they want to scam me at second time. Because in first scam, assetsclaimback said that they can’t finish the detaching. Assetscliamback told me that he use some kind of technology to get the fund recovery without detaching. Then he asked me to create exodus wallet. And he gave me a link to register exodus wallet in his link. When open the website link which he supplied to me, the link will ask me to fill  12 phrases for the exodus wallet. Once put the 12 phrase from exodus wallet in his website link, he will put his script program in the exodus wallet. Assetclaimback will put his own wallet money which is just shown in client exodus wallet. Then he will ask client to deposit some fund into exodus wallet to take the recovery fund out. Once clients deposit fund into exodus wallet, all money are automatically send out to Assetclaimback wallet.     Assetsclaimback has contracts with me. But the contracts are fake. In contract, the register number for the company doesn’t match their company name which is in the website.  They use fake company to sign the contracts with clients. They use clients’ weak mood and limited knowledge about digital crypto to scam the clients. Please avoid this recovery company.  


