2022年11月14日 23:13 发表于

我先与一位经理交谈,他是来自美国 ticktock 的 Erick Robinson。我开始使用 24Options Express 进行交易。首先我存入了 300 美元,5 天后利润为 3200 美元,所以他们要求我通过存入 500 美元将我的账户升级为白金账户,以便能够提取利润,所以我存入了存款。一周后利润是6730$,所以提款的时候他们要求800美金的税费进我的国家,所以我压力很大,所以我做了存款。所以到现在为止我的存款是 1600 美元。然后他们要求 1000 美元的佣金,所以我意识到他们是骗局。我使用 和 ndax 钱包将比特币转移给他们。在谷歌搜索到更多信息时,我发现到这家公司是一个骗局,他们在支付了他们要求的所有费用后不会提取我的利润。我使用 WhatsApp 从他们的网站上与经理和公司号码聊天。
Can’t withdraw funds
First I talk to a manager and his name is Erick Robinson from ticktock based in United states.
I start trading with 24Options express.
First I’ve made a deposit of 300$ than after 5 days the profit was 3200$ so they asked me to upgrade my account to platinum by depositing 500$ to be able to withdraw the profit, so I’ve made the deposit.
After one week the profit was 6730$, so when to withdraw they asked for 800$ taxes and fees into my country, so I was so stressed and I’ve made the deposit.
So till now the deposit I’ve made is 1600$.
Then they demand 1000$ for commission so I realized that they are scam.
I used and ndax wallets to transfer bitcoin to them.
When searching more in Google I’ve realized that this company is a scam and they will not withdraw my profit after paying all they demand.
I used WhatsApp to chat with the manager and the company number from their website.