2022年11月4日 14:40 发表于

事实上VICTORIA CAPITAL是一个诈骗组织,可以使用正确的算法追踪给他们的存款不是新鲜事。当我要求从我的 mt5 中提款并一再被拒绝时,一切都开始了。所有联系客服团队的尝试均未成功,这正是促使我采取行动证明有效出金的原因。我有曝光VICTORIA CAPITAL以及在我的存款证明附件中采取的进一步措施,这更像是一个杀猪盘,请注意并远离他们。
unsuccessful scam
The fact that VICTORIA CAPITAL is a fraud organisation and that deposits made to them may be traced using the correct algorithm is not breaking news. Everything began when I requested a withdrawal from my MT5 and repeatedly rejected. All attempts to contact the support team were unsuccessful, which is exactly what prompted me to take action that proved effective for withdrawal. I have show and expose VICTORIA CAPITAL and further steps taken in my attachments proofs of my deposits, it’s more like a romance scam please be warned and stay away from them.