2022年11月1日 05:42 发表于

我在这家公司( GSM ) 注册了帐户 并向他们汇入了大笔存款。 我开始在mt5平台上交易。当我想提取我的钱时,他们开始为我编造故事,每次我寄给他们一笔钱时,他们都会问我一个新故事并继续这样做。 我终于意识到这是一家虚假的公司,他们关闭了我的账户,我无法打开我的 mt5 账户。 直到今天我还没有拿回我的钱。 其中, 我不知道你能不能帮我从这家假公司提取我的钱, 这是我在他们的帐户.950558
Unable to withdraw my money
I registered my account with this company (GSM) and made a large deposit to them. I started trading on mt5 platform. When I wanted to withdraw my money, they started inventing stories for me, and every time I sent them an amount they asked me a new story and kept doing it. I finally realized it is a fake and misleading company and they closed my account and I couldn't open my mt5 account. Until today I don't get my money back. Among them, I don't know if you can help me withdraw my money from this fake company, this is my account with them.950558