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    2022年10月25日 18:51 发表于 澳大利亚


    要远离SHANGQUAN,因为他们的运作方式。他们从不允许提款。我的交易账户资金来自我的加密货币交易所,在收到我的 mt5 存款通知后,我开始交易并将我的投资组合增加到我满意的退出阶段。非常奇怪的部分发生在我要求提款时,我被告知我必须达到一定的交易余额才能提款。这引发了第一个危险信号,我给他们发了电子邮件为什么?他们回答说这是平常的,但我的直觉告诉我不是这样,这就是我研究的原因 SHANGQUAN作为经纪人的存在,我发现他们骗了很多人。作为受害者我感觉很糟糕,但我很高兴曝光他们。我已经在下面的图片中向他们的钱包地址展示了我的存款,并从相关当局确认他们正在运行一个诈骗计划,这将是有帮助的。

    shangquan should be avoided
    Shangquan is that broker to be avoided at all cost because of the manner in which they operate and the bad part is they never allow withdrawals to happen. My trading account was funded from my crypto exchange and after receiving notification of deposit in my MT5, I started trading and grew my investment portfolio to a stage where I got satisfied to withdraw. the very strange part happened when I requested withdrawal and I was told that I have to reach a certain amount in trading balance before I could withdraw. this raised the first red flag and I emailed them why? they responded that it is the usual but my instincts told me otherwise which was why I researched into Shangquan existence as a broker and I found that they have scammed a lot of people . I feel bad to be a victim but I am glad to expose them. I have shown my deposits in the pictures below to their wallet address and as well validation from the relevant authorities that they are running a scam scheme which would be helpful.


