2022年10月4日 16:21 发表于

今年五月,我想从我的Tedex帐户中提取 2,000 欧元。该帐户中有13,700 欧元。经纪人要求为这笔交易支付 1,500 欧元。在我没有付款后,他拉黑了我的帐户和
whatsapp。从那以后,我无法访问我的帐户。 9月1日,另一位自称是律师的Tedex的代理人通过电子邮件与我联系。他告诉我,除此之外,我的账户里有超过300,000 美元,如果在我的银行账户中他们就能支付! (我愿意将金额转入)已经入金300,000 美元的 10% 。从那以后,我无法再访问我的帐户。
unable to withdraw, scam brokers!
n May of this year, I wanted to withdraw 2,000 Euros from my Tedex account. There were 13,700 Euros in this account. The broker asked for 1,500 Euros for this transaction. After I didn't pay this, he blocked my account and our WhatsApp connection. Since then I have not been able to access my account.
On the first of September, I was contacted by email by another agent from TEDEX who claimed to be a lawyer. He informed me, among other things, that my account has more than 300,000 dollars, which they can only pay if it is in my bank account! (to which I would like to transfer the amount) 10% of the 300,000 dollars is deposited. Since then I haven't been able to access my account.