2022年10月1日 14:54 发表于

我在facebook认识了一个“朋友”,她说她在交易黄金方面做得很好,所以我在她的指导下在开了账户。 她还提到她最好的朋友是的营销总监。 经过几次成功的交易,我赚了一点钱,她也指导我取了一点钱,到目前为止没有任何问题。 然后她说你可以把你的退休金或从Heloc贷款存到账户,我收到一封来自的电子邮件,说有新基金的促销活动。 我没有这样做,并且在9月23日提取我的大部分资金,但失败了并有显示消息说“由于取款通道证在维护,维护时间为1-4天。 然后在9月29日,有人用我的账户在 20 分钟内交易了近 90 次,导致我损失了大部分资金。谁可以访问我的帐户?只有
Trade without authorization
I have knew a “friend “ in fb, she said she is doing well with trading gold so I opened the Teknos account as she guided me. She also mentioned that her best friend is a marketing director at Teknos. After several successful trades I have made a little money and she guided me to withdraw a little money as well, nothing is wrong so far. Then she said you can transfer your retirement funds or borrow from Heloc loan to put into the Teknos account and I got an email from Teknos saying that there’s a promotion for the new funds.
I didn’t do that but try to withdraw the most of my funds on 9/23, but failed and the message saying “due to the maintenance of the withdraw channel, the maintenance time is 1-4 days. Then on 9/29, someone used my account to trade almost 90 times in 20 minutes and caused most of my funds lost. Who can access my account? Teknos!