wei huo
2022年9月5日 03:06 发表于

我已经被这家公司骗了很多钱,请不要相信他们,不要使用他们,赚了不少利润,但需要缴纳22%的利润税,缴纳税款后,需要更多的存款来验证我的账户, 因为我从一个网上的人那里得到了一些存款,他把我介绍给了这家诈骗公司,在他向我的账户存入超过 250000 美元以获得我的信任后,整个事情从那里开始变得糟糕。不要相信他们的甜言蜜语。我付了定金后,那个人就不再回复他什么应用程序的消息了,军阀市场有限公司也冻结了我的帐户。有谁知道在哪里可以得到帮助?我这辈子犯的大错要小心这个人,他会教你买什么,什么时候买
big scam company
I have lost so much money to this fraud scam company,please don’t trust them ,do not use them ,made a Hugh profit,but need to pay 22%profit tax ,after paid the tax ,need more deposit to verify my account,because I got some deposit from a online guy,he introduced me to this scam company,after he deposit over 250000usd to my account to gain my trust,the whole thing went bad from there .
do not trust their sweet talk .
after I have paid the deposit,the guy no longer answer his message from what’s app ,warlord market limited has freeze my account as well .
anyone know where to get help ?
big mistake of my whole life
watch out for this guy
he will teach you what to buy and when to buy