2022年8月19日 09:02 发表于

我不会袖手旁观,让这些人在 Facebook 上开始欺骗更多的人 我遇到了一个玩弄我的感情的女孩,她建议我投资 Cang ltd 。我同意。他们接受了我 96,000 USDT 的投资,但是 他们坚称他们从未收到过它。 直到 AssetsClaimBack 恢复专家介入以制止这个骗局并收回我的投资。 谨慎仓带着投资者的钱跑路。
Cang is a fraud
I won't stand by and let these individuals defraud any more people after it all began on facebook i met a girl that played with my feelings that recommended me into investing with Cang ltd i agreed to abd they accepted my investment of $96,000 USDT, but they insisted that they never received it. It wasn't until the AssetsClaimBack recovery expert intervened to put a stop on this scam and return on my investment. exercise caution Cang is only after running away with investors money.