2022年8月8日 18:58 发表于

我投资的公司骗了我。我无法在任何一个分支与任何人取得联系。我受到的待遇不公平,我很遗憾没有阅读新闻或更多的了解BBT Caipital 。我试图保护未来却导致了极大的悔恨。请预先警告。我所要做的就是最终将它们正式转到assetsclaimback\com。一个简短的谷歌搜索显示他们可以帮助我。 不要因任何事情而接近BBT 他们是骗子中的骗子
Unreliable Platform
The company I invested with has ripped me off. At none of the branches, I can get in touch with anyone. The way I'm being treated doesn't seem fair, and I regret not reading the news or learning more about BBT capital . Simply trying to safeguard the future has led to a great deal of remorse. Please be forewarned.
All I had to do was formally port them to Assetsclaimback\com in the end. A brief Google search revealed that they were beneficiary . BBT should not be approached for anything they are crooks of scammers