2022年8月5日 11:11 发表于

你从社交网站上找到女孩,骗取他们的信任,然后开始交易。他们赚了很多钱并成功提取了一些金额但是当你投入更多的钱并赚更多的钱时,他们会冻结你的账户并且你不能提款他们说如果你想要提款然后请添加 2000 美元并再次发送 id 进行重新验证我存入 -5000 /- 美元(40,0000 卢比)我赚了 - 11,189 美元(8,95,120 卢比)请不要付钱,他们是欺诈,我在 cbi 中投诉他们,以及网络犯罪
Fraud Broker
U get girl from social site they make u trust and then start trading. They earning good and withdrawn some amount successfully
But when u invest more money and earn more they freeze your account and u can’t withdraw they say if u want your withdrawal then please add 2000 usd and send again id’s for re verification
I deposit -5000/- usd (40,0000 INR)
I earn - 11,189 usd ( 8,95,120 INR)
Please don't pay this they are fraud i complaint against them in cbi , and cyber crime