2022年8月3日 11:30 发表于

黑交易商无法从钱包中提取任何资金。不要在xpromarkests.com 投资。小心这种假生意
Fraud broker unable to withdraw any money from their wallet. Donot invest with xpromarkests.com. Get aware of this kind of fake business
Wrong place to invest our money. Withdrawal of money is not at all happening. I have done so many request for withdrawing money. But no response. They cheat by forcing to invest 1000 dollars and above. Do not believe them and be aware of this. Fake business. I strongly recommend not to do trade with Xpromarkets.com. Do not invest money with them. They totally cheat you. Waste of time investing here. Wrong place to invest our money. Withdrawal of money is not at all happening. I have done so many request for withdrawing money. But no response. They cheat by forcing to invest 1000 dollars and above. Do not believe them and be aware of this. Fake business. I strongly recommend not to do trade with Xpromarkets.com. Do not invest money with them. They totally cheat you. Waste of time investing here.