2022年7月22日 08:07 发表于

欺诈预警!这家虚假平台最擅长欺骗无助的人。在被骗 89,000 美元后,我的老父亲通知了警方和 FCA,但两方都无所作为。 SHANGQUAN员工很擅长劝说,给人一种可靠的感觉。请不要相信他们。他们会骗走你账户里所有的钱。我们已经向 assetsclaimback 咨询公司提出申诉,该咨询公司对我父亲的投资进行了三重检查。在那之后平台不再和我交流,他们自认为很聪明,但不如咨询公司聪明。最后平台潜逃了。和SHANGQUAN交涉非常浪费时间和金钱。
They couldn’t get away with the funds
Fraud warning This fictitious company is the best in the world at what it does, which is scamming helpless people. After losing $89,000 to them, my old father notified the police and FCA, but nothing was done. SHANGQUAN employees are skilled talkers who convey a sense of reliability. Please do not trust them. They will take anything you have from your funds. We file a grievance with assetsclaimback advisory, which triple-checked my dad investment. They stopped communicating with me after that, they think they were intelligent but not as bright as the advisory, which caused the con artists to flee engaging with SHANGQUAN is like a waste of time and money.