2022年7月21日 14:54 发表于

上周我发现我在 DRCFX 的投资账户在两周前被盗用了。 这个小偷在 30 分钟内使用了我账户中所有 67,000 美元的资金来开仓和平仓,将其转化为交易所的佣金和利润。 之后我试图联系客服时,他们以无法处理为由拒绝弥补我的损失。 为了尽快追回,AssetsclaimBack 法律团队不得不提起诉讼。 不要与名为 DRCFX 的诈骗艺术家团伙联系。
Fraud Alert
I discovered last week that my investment account with DRCFX had been compromised for the previous two weeks.
This theives used all $67,000 of the capital in my account to open and close positions within the course of 30 min, turning it into commission and profit on the exchange. When I tried to contact customer service after that, they declined to make up for my loss on the grounds that it couldn't be handled. To obtain a speedy recovery, AssetsclaimBack legal team had to launch a lawsuit. Do not associate with the scam artists' gang called DRCFX.