2022年7月20日 04:10 发表于

一开始,一切都很顺利,我们的交易商很棒。我们用了一小笔钱来测试提款,这让我们对公司有足够的信心来进行大笔存款。然而,AE Global警告我们,如果我们不增加投资,我们将失去一切,这需要Assetsclaimback/com的帮助。在AE Global拒绝提取仍在我们账户中的资金后,他们退还了所有存款。无法将该平台与任何其他投资平台进行比较。
Forever scam
In the beginning, everything went off without a hitch, and our broker was great. We used a small amount to test withdrawal from the website, which provided us enough faith in the company to make large deposits. However, AE Global persisted in warning us that we would lose everything if we didn't increase our investment, which called for Assetsclaimback/com. After AE Global denied requests to withdraw money that was still in our accounts, we got every deposit refunded. It is impossible to compare this platform to any other investment platform.