2022年7月16日 04:26 发表于

出金滞后,千万不要相信 DACFX
我订阅了交易计划,他们要求我提供数据以确认我的身份,所以我给了他们以激活我的帐户。我开始看到利润,我的余额增加了,然后在提款时,他们要求缴纳税款,但仍然拒绝我提款,我在 fintrack/org 开了一个诈骗案并获得了退款 确保远离 DACFX因为它们可能会在没有通知的情况下随时与您的钱一起消失,所以无论如何都不要相信它们
Delayed withdrawal, never believe DACFX
I subscribed to the trading plan and they asked me for data to confirm my identity, so I gave them in order to activate my account. I started to see the profits and my balance increased then when withdrawing, they asked for a tax deposit but still denied me withdrawal which i opened a scam case with fintrack/org and got a refund make sure to stay away from Dacfx as they can disappear with your money any time without notice, Don't believe them no matter what