2022年7月14日 09:36 发表于

我在DACFX投资了,他们没有隔夜费用。我持有这只股票大约3个月。然后有一天,他们决定开始向我收取过夜费用。即使我的账户里只有98,000美元,费用也达到了9900美元。他们提取了15%的费用,却没有告诉我费用在一段时间后发生了变化,我试图提取资金但被拒绝了。即使我知道这是一个骗局,我也不得不让 assetsclaimback/com帮我拿回来钱。我吸取了这次的教训。
Hard times don’t last
I made investment with DACFX that had no overnight fees. I held onto this stock for about 3 months. Then one day they made the decision to begin charging me for overnight holding. Even though I only had $98,000 in the account, the fees came to $9900. They took withdrew fees totaling 15% of my account without informing me that the costs had changed after a while i try to withdraw my funds and was rejected. I had to involve Assetsclaimback/com against insolvency and reimbursement even though I knew it was a hoax and a scam i still invested with DACFX but lesson learnt.