2022年7月8日 09:24 发表于

真实的价格和图表将显示为真实的“实时”价格,但是一旦您进行交易,价格会发生某种变化,您会发现自己处于不可能的交易中,特别是在短期交易中,其高度被操纵。如果您获得可观的利润,任何长期交易都会被止损,如果接近目标,止损将被执行,无论它是否达到止损价格。在集体诉讼 assetsclaimback/com 被接受并且我的投资被退还之前,他们扣押了我的钱 Ingoinvest太狡猾了,更像是赌博。我不会再使用它们了
Scam Alert
The true price and graphs will display as the true "live" price however once you take the trade the price somehow changes and you will find yourself in a trade with impossible odds, especially if short term trading, its highly manipulated. Any long term trades are stopped out if your in a significant profit, and stop losses will execute if it comes close to the target, regardless if it hits the stop loss price or not. Until the class action lawsuit Assetsclaimback/com was accepted and my investment was returned, they held my money hostage ingoinvest is too dodgy, more like gambling. I wont be using them again