2022年7月8日 00:50 发表于

由于我不是活跃的交易者,我的mt5账户被盗很久后我才发现。通过在一小时内开启和关闭头寸, DACLAND将我账户的全部投资转化为平台上的佣金和利润。之后,我尝试联系客服,但他们以无法处理为由拒绝赔偿我的损失。 我采取了Assetsclaimback Advisory的法律部门提起的诉讼,迅速追回的资金。 DACLAND使用税收减免、洗钱、第三方支付借口等手段欺骗我们。
The theft on my MT5 account with them was noticed late because I’m not an active trader. By initiating and closing positions over the period of an hour, Dacland turned my whole investment in my account into commission and profit on the platform. After that, I attempted to contact customer service, but they declined to compensate me for my loss on the grounds that it could not be handled only Dacland says such things. It took a lawsuit brought by Assetsclaimback Advisory legal department for a swift recovery. Dacland use tactics like tax deductions, money laundering, third party payment excuse to scam us all over again .