2022年7月6日 17:37 发表于

他们从不让我取钱。我支付了25,000欧元的税收保险金以提取资金,但现在他们有其他借口,由于aml(反洗钱)向他们传达的无效利润率,我仍然需要支付25,000加元,但我追踪着钱并有案件出于这个原因,向包括 fintrack/org 在内的各种欺诈监管机构提交了投资,该投资被释放 TOPIATO在他们拿到钱之前永远不会错过给你打电话。一旦他们这样做,你就只能靠自己了。
Huge scam organization
They never let me withdraw money. I paid the tax insurance money of Euro 25,000 to withdraw money but now they have some other excuse that I still need to pay 25,000 CAD due to invalid profit ratio communicated to them by AML(Anti money Laundering) but I followed the money and had cases lodged with various fraud regulatory bodies inclusive of fintrack/ org for this reason, the investment was released Topiato will never miss calling you until they get money. Once they do, you are on your own.