2022年7月6日 06:08 发表于

我几乎不知道我只是竹篮子打水!认为钱在银行里是在骗自己,我投资了Greenstan Wealth有限公司,我以为我把钱用在了好地方,甚至成为了一个更好的在线交易者,但是如果我不能提取我的收益又有什么用呢。必须靠fintrack/org把每笔存款都拿回来了。对这家公司感到如此失望,不仅是因为我会损失很多钱,还因为我的信任被背叛了,我的信心受到了打击。
Never again will i trust a company like this
Little did I know that I was just pouring water into a basket! Having the mindset that money in the bank is a waste, I invested into Greenstan Wealth ltd. with the thought that I was putting my money to good use and even becoming a better online trader but of what use is it if i can't withdraw my proceeds Had to involve fintrack/org so I got every deposit back The major reason why I'm so disappointed in this company is not about the fact that I would have lost a lot of money but the fact that my trust was betrayed and my integrity was battered.