2022年7月5日 14:33 发表于

即使交了税,我也无法取回我的钱。客服告诉我,因为我有来自第三方的55,600英镑的存款,我的交易账户被暂停,因为他们说我违反了反盗窃和逃税法。如果我仍然想提款,我必须将15%的投资存入我的账户,这不合逻辑。我不得不向一家名为AssetsClaimback recovery service的澳大利亚公司申诉退款。即使在我支付了 15%的存款后,这个宙斯资本的骗子仍然扣留我的钱
Tax Evasion to seize my account
Even after paying tax, I am unable to withdraw my money. Customer care informed me that because I had a deposit of £55,600 from a third party, my trading account was suspended because they said i broke the law of against anti theft and tax evasion . I had to put deposit 15% of my investment into my account if I still wanted to withdraw which doesn’t make sense . I had to ask an Australian company called AssetsClaimback recovery service for a chargeback. Even after i made the 15% deposit this scammers called Zeus capital. still withhold my money