2022年7月2日 04:54 发表于

我以为我必须等待一两天才能清除我的待提款,但仍然一无所获。我打电话给客户支持,有人联系我并告诉我我的帐户中仍有大量金额,但由于未缴税款而受到限制。我不得不在 fintrack .org 下提起集体诉讼,将我的存款与我的账户利润一起直接存入我的钱包,这是我与委托人秘密进行的交易活动的结果,因为即使在向我缴纳税款后 Absolute Markets,他们决定告诉我我在进行非法交易。都是谎言。
Unreliable broker
I thought I’d have to wait a day or 2 to clear my pending withdrawal but still nothing. I called the customer support and someone contacted me and told me I still had a significant amount in my account but it was restricted due to unpaid taxes. I had to file a class action complaint under fintrack .org having my deposit sent directly into my wallet alongside the profits made on my account as a results of the trading activities that were being carried out secretly with my principal because even after paying tax to Absolute markets, they decided to tell me i was making illegal trades. It was all lies.