2022年7月1日 13:14 发表于

他们是骗子。我选择了他们的一项投资计划并存款。到了提款的时候,我被拒绝了。我联系了他们的客服,他们告诉我要额外支付50%的投资存款,以便将我转移到另一个计划,这将使我能够提取我的资金。但这并不是一开始的合约。当他们坚持不还款时,我不得不使用assetsclaimback advisory服务。想象一下,如果我没有寻求帮助,他们会骗取我55,000美元。DACLAND欺骗了很多人。他们无法信任
Withdrawal not approved for weeks.
They are swindlers. I chose one of their investment plans and made a deposit immediately. When it was time to make a withdrawal, I was denied. I contacted their support and they told me to make extra 50% deposit of my investment to move me to another plan which will enable me to withdraw my fund. But this was not the agreement at the beginning. When they insisted on not paying back, I had to employ the service of assetsclaimback advisory.Imagine i didn’t sought the firm they will have defrauded my $55,000 Dacland have defrauded a lot of people they can’t be trusted