2022年6月27日 22:08 发表于

我希望我已经阅读了他们有关他们虚假mt5的新闻或进行了更多ETH Profits的研究。 我只是为了保护未来,但造成了太多的遗憾。事前警告。最后,要收回被盗资金,我需要做的就是正式向Assetsclaimback Advisory举报。根据快速的网络搜索,它们很有帮助。我将永久损失 78,000 美元。请留意诈骗,因为这家公司不受监管且无法追究责任。
Withdrawal denied with fake profits
I wish I had read the news of their fake MT5 or conducted more research on ETH Profits. Just trying to protect the future has caused so many regrets. Be forewarned, please. In the end, all I needed to do to recover my stolen funds was to formally report them to Assetsclaimback Advisory. They were helpful, according to a quick web search. I would have permanently lost $78,000. Keep an eye out for scams as this company is unregulated and cannot be held accountable.