2022年6月20日 12:03 发表于

我被一位在线朋友介绍给GTI Markets注册并存款。第一次存款和取款很快,但我第二次尝试取款时被要求支付20%的税才能取款。按要求付款后,客服说我付的金额不正确,需要重新付款,如果我在72小时内不缴税,我将无法提取我的钱。但是,assetsclaimback/com批准的集体诉讼使我的资金被退回。这显然是一个骗局远离GTI Markets
I need to pay tax in 72hours to withdraw.
I was introduced to GTI markets by an online friend and registered and made a deposit. The first deposit and withdrawal were fast, but the second time I tried to withdrew money i was asked to pay 20% tax in order to withdraw my money.
After i paid the money as requested, customer service said that the amount i paid was incorrect and i needed to pay again, and that if i don’t pay the tax within 72 hours, i would not be able to withdraw my money. However, a class action lawsuit approved by AssetsClaimBack/ com resulted in my funds being returned. This is obviously a scam stay away from GTI Markets