2022年6月16日 04:37 发表于

我投资了105,000 美元,但ANCHGO让我失去了一切。保罗是一直敦促我投资越来越多的人。当他意识到我已经花掉了 95,000 美元时,他就会明白我为什么不再花钱了。他已经很久没有骗我了。我什至无法通过互联网访问我的帐户。他们已经切断了与我的任何联系。我曾多次联系该公司并提出投诉,但似乎没有任何效果。因为我听过很多关于他们在类似情况下的专业知识的故事,所以在阅读了本网站上如此多的受害者投诉后,我选择联系 assetsclaimback 法律部门寻求帮助以解决提款问题。永远不要相信 ANCHGO.我肯定对他们中的任何一个都不感兴趣 ANCHGO正在骗局
Go get a real job Anchgo
I made a $105,000 investment with Anchgo and lost it all. Paul was the one who kept pressing me to invest more and more. When he realizes I've already spent $95,000, he'll understand why I'm not going to spend any more. He hasn't conned me in a long time. I couldn't even access my account through the internet. They have cut off any communication with me. I've contacted the firm several times and lodged complaints, but nothing seems to work. Because I've heard so many stories of their expertise on similar situations, I've chosen to contact the AssetsClaimBack Legal department for help with the withdrawal troubles after reading so many victim complaints on this site. Never trust Anchgo. I'm not interested in any of them cause for sure ANCHGO is running a scam