2022年6月15日 09:33 发表于

起初我能够提取小额利润,然后我用额外的资金进行投资和交易。过了一段时间,我想提现全部现金,共计300,000,000USDT,但是经纪商每次都向我收取不同的费用,首先是10%的杠杆费,共计250,000USDT。然后他们告诉我,我欠 95kUSDT 的 12% 个人所得税。后来,他们要求我支付 150,0000USDT 的 10% 转账费。即使支付了所有这些额外费用,他们仍然有理由不让我提取资金并暂停我的帐户。
Another unsuccessful scam of Dacland
I was able to withdraw the small profit at first, then I invested and traded with additional money. After a period, I wanted to withdraw all of my cash, totaling 300,000,000USDT, but the broker charged me a different fee each time, the first of which was a 10% leverage fee, totaling 250,000USDT. They then informed me that I owed a 12 percent personal income tax of 95kUSDT. Later, they requested that I pay a 10% transfer charge of 150,0000USDT. Even after paying all of these additional costs, they still had an excuse for not allowing me to withdraw my funds and had my account suspended.