2022年6月15日 18:11 发表于

还是没有。在2月份举报说我因帐户发生内部“欺诈行为”事件而损失了 150,000 美元之后,虽然我被承诺会进行调查,但我什么也没听到。总共,他们设法吸走了 80,000 美元。从我的帐户超过 2 个会话。当我要求提取一些钱时,这一切都发生了。澳大利亚公司 AssetsClaimBack 向有关当局提交了一份报告,敦促他们调查关闭类似交易所并恢复我的提款权限,就像他们为其他受害者所做的那样……投资者要注意。我会及时通知你的。希望它会有一个圆满的结局。
Manipulative platform
Still nothing. After reporting in February that I had lost $150,000 because of an internal "fraudulent action" event on my account, and although I was promised that an investigation would take place, I have heard nothing. In total, they managed to syphon $80,000. from my account over 2 sessions. This all happened when I asked to withdraw some of my money. AssetsClaimBack, an Australian company, filed a report with the appropriate authorities, urging that they investigate closing down comparable exchanges and restoring my withdrawal access, as they had done for other victims... Investors be aware. I will keep you updated. Hopefully It will have a happy ending.