2022年6月14日 22:35 发表于

他们拿走了我的投资,将其转到其他地方,然后向我展示了一个看起来非常真实的虚假交易账户页面,但是当我要求转账时,我的基金价值神秘地崩溃了,让我要求在 fintrack/org 下提取/退款请注意,我发送了相同的请求 JIAXING但甚至不会得到他们的回应。到那个时刻 JIAXING你真的不需要三思而后行,只是不要在这里投资。
It will be bad decision investing here
They took in my investment, sent it somewhere else then showed me a bogus trading account page that looked pretty real but as soon as i requested a transfer, my fund values mysteriously collapsed leaving me to request a withdrawal/refund that came under fintrack/ org mind you i sent the same request to JIAXING but wouldn't even get a response from them. When it comes to JIAXING you don't really need to think twice about it, just don't invest here.