2022年5月30日 23:30 发表于

当你要提款时,平台会提示你进行一系列不必要的付款。我随着时间的推移投入了32,000并获得了一些利润。但是,我从我的账户中提取了最小的金额。我支付了所需的金额税金和提款费,但他们的客户服务只是声称我的帐户遇到了独一无二的问题。自 4 月 22 日起,我没有收到他们的消息,我的提款于 5 月 26 日被 traceasset(traceasset .org)。人们把辛苦赚来的钱丢给 ZOENOVA有点不公平。我强烈建议您避开这家诈骗公司。
self withdrawal was restricted
When you want to withdraw money, the platform prompts you to make a
series of needless payments.I put in 32,000 over time and gained some
interest.However, I have been unable to withdraw even the smallest
amount from my account.I paid the required taxes and withdrawal fees,
but their customer service merely claims that my account is experiencing
a one-of-a-kind problem.Since April 22, I haven't heard from them, My
withdrawal was forced out on May 26th by Traceasset(traceasset.org).
People losing their hard-earned cash to Zoenova is a bit unjust.I
strongly encourage you to avoid this deceptive company.