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    2022年5月20日 21:18 发表于 美国


    这个交易商在欺骗我。它并没有说我会在支付我的澄清费后支付滞纳金,在支付了他们之后仍然要求支付近140万的 5%。无论如何,在按时支付了我的滞纳金后,他们在收到我的付款后几分钟就提取了我的资金, Otto Forex仍然没有给我汇款,并坚持说他们没有收到付款。如果他们没有收到,他们怎么从平台账户中提取了我的钱?然后一次又一次地告诉我要支付费用。那是什么?显然这是一个骗局。他们想要更多的钱进入他们而不做任何事情并持有我的账户以勒索赎金。我清楚地支付了 7 万美元。他们明白了,但从不诚实,甚至告诉我我的截图是假的。我希望这会唤醒他们并汇出我的钱。如果他们是诚实的,他们甚至应该用140万美元退还我 7 万美元的费用。我已经给了他们时间来纠正它并一直与他们联系,但似乎他们并不认真,以至于他们没有回答我的询问,所以我现在正在揭露和抱怨他们。截图说明了一切。

    Fraud! They won’t remit my money
    This broker is defrauding me. It doesn’t say that I will pay a late fee after paying my clarification fee and after paying them still asked for 5% of almost 1.4M. Anyway, after paying my late fee on time, they withdrew my funds minutes after getting my payment, Otto forex still never remitted my money and insisted that they haven’t received the payment. If they haven’t received it, how come they withdrew my money from the platform account? Then telling me again and again to pay the fees. What’s that? Obviously it’s a fraud. They want more money to go into them without doing nothing and holding my account for ransom. I paid $70k clearly. They got it but never honest, even telling me that my screenshots were fake. I hope this will wake them up and remit my money. If they are honest, they should even return my $70k fee with 1.4M. I’ve given them time to correct it and kept reaching out to them but it seems they’re not serious to the point they are not answering my inquiries so I’m exposing and complaining about them now. Screenshots says it all.


