2022年5月14日 23:58 发表于

>>> 无法提款,有10%的税要付!!!
存款为310000美元,交易利润为207287美元,现在余额为517376美元。当我要求提款时。客服拒绝了我的要求,并要求我单独支付额外的10%税为51737.64USDT,而不是直接从我的余额中扣除。必须通过他们向香港税务局支付 USDT 加密货币下的税款,这根本无法说服我相信。他们是离岸经纪人,毫无疑问地接受存款,但在何时取款时要求缴纳 10% 的税。请联系他们的经理介入以解决我的问题。我希望我的所有资金都没有任何问题。当香港税务局通过电子邮件给我确认时,要求税是不可接受的:“我们不对投资收入和资本收益征收个人所得税或预扣税。您可以点击此链接(https://www.ird) .gov.hk/eng/pdf/tax_guide.pdf)了解更多关于香港税制和征收的信息。”更多 “以港元(而不是外币或加密货币)应付的税款金额和缴款到期日在每份送达纳税人最后已知邮寄地址的评税通知中规定。”但他们要求我向他们的税务加密钱包缴纳税款:“税务地址:0xdF86B385a0E9231Ec9891991B27CB775e290a84D”
>>> CANNOT WITHDRAW MY MONEY with 10% tax to pay !!!
The deposit is USDT 310000. Trade profit is USDT 207287. The balance now is USDT 517376. When I requested to withdraw money. The customer service rejected my request and asked me to pay extra 10% tax is 51737.64USDT separately instead of direct deduction from my balance. Tax must pay under USDT cryptocurrency through them to Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department which is not persuasive for me to believe it at all. They are offshore broker accepting deposit without any questions but asking 10% tax when to withdraw. Please contact their manager to step in to solve my problem. I want all my funds back without any issues. It is not acceptable for asking tax when Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department confirm by email to me :"We do not charge personal income tax or withholding tax on investment income and capital gain. You can follow this link (https://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/pdf/tax_guide.pdf) for further information on the tax system and collection of taxes in Hong Kong." more "The amount of tax payable in Hong Kong dollars (instead of foreign currencies or cryptocurrencies) and the due date for payment are stipulated in each notice of assessment served to the taxpayer’s last known postal address." But they asked me to pay my tax to their tax crypto wallet at: "Tax address: 0xdF86B385a0E9231Ec9891991B27CB775e290a84D"