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    2022年4月20日 11:37 发表于 美国


    从我加入那天起,我的客户经理就想让我成为百万富翁。她试图以我的名义获得贷款(我们尝试的贷款范围从 10k aud 到 25k aud 。但幸运的是,所有贷款都没有成功(我们尝试的贷款来自当地银行)。她想了解我的银行我没有让余额。她总是告诉我你可以在几个小时内翻倍你的钱,所以不要担心贷款。我受够了他们并要求提取我的钱。然后他们说我应该支付 26% 的税和从我这边提取的佣金。他们说他们不能从利润中减少它。所以这足以将他们评为诈骗者。当我说好的我准备好了我有 26% 的支付,我最初的反转$10300 涨到 $50,000(利润)。我很震惊。在接下来的几天里,它是 $90000。现在要取出这笔钱,我必须支付 $25000 左右,这太荒谬了。当我搜索交易历史时,没有任何记录我的资金是如何上涨 90000 美元的。然后我说好的,我会撤回他们无处可寻。没有回复任何电子邮件。后来我尝试在 t 中进行交易继承人的平台,相信我,无论市场情况如何,您都不会亏本。这意味着他们的平台被操纵了。这些都是冷血的骗子,但向资产索回咨询服务机构报告使得收回投资成为可能。不要落入他们的陷阱,他们是聪明的懂操纵骗子

    Beware of this scammers
    My account manager from the day I joined she wanted to make me a millionare. She was trying to get a loan to my name (loans we tried range from 10k aud to 25K aud . But for my luck none of the loans worked out (loans we tried are from local banks). She wants to look in to my bank balances which I did not let. She was always telling me you can double your money within few hours so dont worry about getting a loan. I fed up with them and ask to withdraw my money. Then they say I should pay 26% tax and commision from my end to withdrew money. They say they can't reduce it from the profits. So its more than enough to rate them as scammers. When I say ok I'm ready I have 26% to pay, my initial invertment of $10300 have risen to $50,000 (profits). I was shocked. And in the next few days it was $90000. Now to get out that money I have to pay around $25000 which is ridiculous. When I searched trading history, there was no record of how my funds rose $90000. Then I said ok I'll withdraw they were nowhere to be found. No replies to any email.Later I try to do trading in their platform, believe me you will never make loss whatever the market condition is. Which means their platform is manipulated. Don't fall for their trap they are smart manipulative scammers


