2022年4月20日 13:02 发表于

我的朋友被骗了 5000 美元,仍在等待他的信用卡公司退还他的资金……他们使用不同的网站和别名(例如 xchangebit、veritex、coindaq 等)来表示他们不负责任并且您将钱转移到其他地方。资产索赔/公司法律部门提起诉讼以追回已经损失的资金 他们是领导整个骗局计划的同一个人 您的频繁通话令人作呕,您应该尊重那些不需要您的电话的人的决定
Beware of this fake app platform
My friend got scammed for 5000$ and is still waiting for his funds to get returned by his credit card company... They use different websites and aliases (such as xchangebit, veritex, coindaq, etc) in order to say they are not responsible and that you transfered the money else where. It took a lawsuit originating from the legal department of assetsclaimback/co m to recover the already lost funds they are the same people leading this whole scheme of scam your frequent calls are disgusting and you should respect the decisions on those who dont need your calls