2022年4月19日 13:39 发表于

我在三月份认识了一个男生。一切似乎都是那么真实。后来,他开始逐渐告诉我,加密货币可以赚很多钱。我在这个平台上投了一些钱。然后当他们向我发送一个帐户进行银行转帐时。我发现这家银行最近也在一家香港公司注册。当我告诉这个人我的疑惑时,他开始攻击我。拉黑了我.. 然后在做了一些研究之后,现在我确定这是一个骗局平台。不要在它这里投资。还有一篇文章描述了这种类型的骗局。他们可以让自己变得如此真实……但都是罪犯。
it is a scam site
I met a guy in March. all seems so real. and later, he start gradually to tell me that this crypto can make a lot of money. I was almost investing some money on this platform. then when they send me an account to do a bank transfer. I found the bank is also registered on a HK company lately. when I tell this guy my doubt, he start to attack me. blocked me.. then after doing some research, now I am sure this is a scam platform. don't invest in it.
there is also an article describe about this type of scam. they can make themselves so real.. but all criminals.