2022年3月30日 06:44 发表于

无法提现-欺诈平台- S&J Future Limited
我被S&J Future Limited在2021年9月28日至10月29日期间通过mt5平台的虚假交易给骗了300,000加元。骗子孙云(见图)引诱我获得高额回报,我将我的钱从shakepay转到iamtoken换成eth,然后我们转移到假经纪人平台。骗子声称他是旧金山tpg的首席执行官,并从世界黄金协会的香港叔叔那里获得内幕消息。直到 10 月 28 日,所有交易都出现了良好的利润。那天晚上我试图提取 250,000 美元,但没有成功。那天晚上,我所有的投资都丢失了。我感到心碎和震惊,因为我所有的辛苦收入都花光了
Unable withdraw-Fraud Platform-S&J Future Limited
I was scammed by S&J Future Limited for Cad $300,000 from Sept 28 to Oct 29, 2021 thru the fake trading MT5 platform. The scammer Sun Yun 孙云 (see pic) lured me into high-profit return and I transferred my money from Shakepay to Iamtoken to change to ETH and US then transferred to the fake broker platform. The scammer claims he’s the CEO of TPG in San Francisco and he gets insider information from uncle in Hong Kong who’s the World Gold Council. Until October 28, all trades appeared in good profit. I tried to withdrew $250,000 that night and unsuccessful. That night all my investment got lost. I felt heartbroken and shocked as all my hard earnings were gone😞