2022年3月29日 18:23 发表于

我在铰链上遇到了一个叫卡米拉的女孩。她很有趣,我们聊了一周左右,直到聊到被动收入,她的叔叔是前摩根大通工程师,他周围有一个团队,她在他手下学习交易,并直接从他的交易中受益。她教我MT5并下载,然后在Indusgold创建了一个账户。 Indusgold位于 Indusgoldfx.com、indusgold.uk、indusgold.ltd(我存放的地方)和 indus-gold.com 上,最近仍在运营。在我再次尝试提款之前,我总共投资了 156,000 美元,账户增长到 264,000 美元。我多次按照他们的指示尝试从平台上提取我的资金。我支持 what'sApp txt 文件,以证实所有诈骗者随着时间的推移(80 页)与我的通信,以及 whatsapp 上的 Indusgold 客户服务没有向我发送任何内容。他们有我价值156,000美元的以太币,我在 1/28-2/4 期间存入了他们。我附上撤回拒绝,大致是因为我投入其中只是为了被拒绝,带我到那里的铰链女孩然后推我把它全部拉出来,当时他们试图让我付给他们10k美元提款费。看起来他们在查看 metaquotes 网站时撤回了我的资金。该公司包括 YLL、BSV、FFFR、Han global、Poia、Mede global 和其他一些公司。我正在收集尽可能多的关于公司的证据,在他们解决我的问题之前,我会不惜一切代价。
unable to withdraw/forces out of account
I met a girl on Hinge who went by Camilla. She was pleasant and we talked for a week or so until dropping the passive income discussion that her Uncle is an ex JP Morgan engineer who has a team around him who she has learned trading under and is benefiting from his trades directly. She led me to MT5 and to download and create a login for Indusgold. Indusgold was at the Indusgoldfx.com, indusgold.uk, indusgold.ltd (where I deposited) and indus-gold.com as of latest which is still operating. I invested $156k total and the account grew to $264k before I tried to withdraw again.
I tried many times at their direction to withdraw my funds from the platform. I have supporting what’sApp txt files to substantiate all of the scammers correspondence with me over time (80 pages) as well as Indusgold customer service on whatsapp not sending me anything. They have my $156k worth of ethereum that I deposited to them from 1/28-2/4. I am attaching the withdrawal denial for roughly what I put into it only for it to be denied, the girl on hinge who led me there then pushed me to just pull it all out at which time they tried to get me to pay them a $10k withdrawal fee. It looks like they withdrew my funds when looking on metaquotes website. This company rolls up to YLL, BSV, FFFR, Han global, Poia, Mede global and a number of others. I am gathering as much evidence as possible on the company and will stop at nothing until they resolve my issue.