2022年3月29日 03:55 发表于

re: 无法提现-诈骗平台- SUNAC Finance
我被SUNAC在2021年8月27日至2021年9月27日期间通过虚假的mt5平台交易骗了160 万美元。骗子(见图片)有货我将获得高额利润,我将钱从大通转账到kraken、coinbase 和 crypto.com 转换为 usdt 和 eth,然后转移到假经纪人平台。在达到我的利润后,当提款时,他们说我必须在 5 个工作日内支付 25 万美元的 8% 税,否则我的帐户将被冻结。笔记: SUNAC金融有限公司网站已被骗局顾问“国际反诈骗和贩运联盟”举报。
RE: Unable to withdraw- Fraud Platform-Sunac finance
I was scammed by Sunac Finance for USD$1.6M on from 8/27 to 9/27/2021 thru the fake trading MT5 platform. The scammer (see pic) lured me into high-profit returns and I transferred my money from Chase to Kraken,coinbase and crypto.com to change to USDT and ETH then transferred to the fake broker platform. After reaching my profit, when the time to withdraw, they said I have to pay 8% tax of $250k within 5 business days or else my account will be frozen. NOTE: Sunac finance limited website has been reported by the "International Anti-Scam and Trafficking Alliance" by ScamAdvisor.