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    2022年3月29日 02:56 发表于 加拿大


    这是典型的杀猪盘。一位亚洲女士走近并与我交朋友。聊了几个星期后,她介绍我和两个经纪人一起投资: S&J Future Limited和东太平洋资本在mt5。她声称她从香港的一位叔叔那里获得内幕消息以保证利润。按照她的指示,我通过加密货币向两个账户存入了总计 1,240,500 美元的本金。直到 2021 年 11 月 17 日,所有交易似乎都成功并获利。 2021年11月18日,她建议我一次买10个仓位xauusd.s。交易开始 3 分钟后,该应用程序将我踢出局并关闭了我所有的头寸。在那次失败之后,这位亚洲女士投入了一些钱,并说服我到另一个平台来弥补我的损失。直到 2021 年 12 月 3 日,我的所有交易都赢了。该应用程序再次将我踢出局,我失去了一切。我失去了 30 年来之不易的积蓄,这些积蓄本可以用来资助我孩子的教育、让我的妻子过上更好的生活以及照顾我的兄弟姐妹。我父亲在骗局前刚刚去世,照顾兄弟姐妹的责任落在了我身上。这对我和我的家人来说是非常毁灭性的。我企图自杀,最后住进了医院的精神病房。

    This is a typical Shazhupan. An Asian lady approached and befriended me. After chatting a few weeks, she introduced me to invest with two brokers: S&J Future Limited and Eastpac Capital on MT5. She claims that she gets insider information from an uncle in Hong Kong to guarantee profits. Following her instructions, I deposited a total of principle of $1,240,500 USD to both accounts via cryptocurrencies. Until November 17, 2021, all the trades appeared to be successful and in profits. On November 18, 2021, she advised me to buy 10 positions of XAUUSD.s at a time. 3 minutes into the trade, the APP kicked me out and closed all my positions. After that lose, the Asian lady pitched in some money and convince me to another platform to earn my loss back. I had all winning trades until December 3, 2021. The APP kicked me out again, and I lost everything. I lost 30 years of hardearned saving which I could have used to fund my children's education, give my wife a better life and take care of my siblings. My father just passed away before the scam, the responsibility to take care of my siblings fell upon me. This was very devastating to me and my family. I attempted suicide and ended up in the psychiatric ward in the hospital.


