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    M4.Markets.com 是骗局,无法提取利润

    嗨,这篇评论还与我对外汇和平军的评论相结合,bemy帐号 112024,如果你想要整个故事,你可以在那里搜索,只需输入 m4 市场然后你就会看到我的评论,总之我做了一些m4市场的损失和我在他们的第一次胜利他们扣除了我的利润,在没有警告或事先调查或向我发送任何我违反客户协议的经过验证的信息的情况下禁用了我的账户,只是因为我在新闻中赚钱并且它在他们的奖金账户上(没有禁止说明我们不能使用高手数的奖金账户)他们只支付了 401 美元中的 100 美元......因为没有人来自 M4Markets自从我上次对这种情况进行调查以来,.com 甚至一直试图进行转换,我现在声明他们是一个骗局......无论你是技术交易者还是基本面交易者,不要相信他们......他们当你注册时会不停地给你打电话,当你有问题时会不理你....远离....m4 Market是黑交易商

    M4.Markets.com is Scam Unable to Withdraw Profits
    Hi this review is also in conjunction with my review on forex peace army, bemy account number 112024, if you want the whole story you can search it on there, just type in M4 Markets then you will see my review, in short I made some losses with M4 Markets and my first win with them they deducted my profits , disabled my account without warning or prior investigation or sending me any verified information that I breached the client agreement, just cause I made money during news and it was on their bonus account (no prohibition stating we can't use bonus account using hight lot size) they only paid $100 USD out of $401usd..and because no one from M4Markets.com has even bothered to try to have a conversion since my last inquest about this situation, I'm stating now that they are a scam ...whether you are a technical trader or fundamental trader, do not trust them...They will call you when you signup non stop and will ignor you when you have problems....Stay away....M4 Markets is scam broker


