2022年2月1日 22:34 发表于

亲爱的女士们先生们,我试图联系poopac几次通过聊天找出你为什么他们没有将我的钱转入我的银行账户超过两周。我要求他们立即将钱转入我的银行账户。但我没有收到任何答复。我想避免采取法律行动。如果你可以帮助我取回我的钱,那就太好了。我的poopac账户信息在附件中。亲切的问候 Ludger Kullmann
There is no transfer from my trader account to my bank account
Dear Ladies
and Gentlemen,
I have
tried to reach Poopac several times via chat to find out why you they have not
transferred my money to my bank account for over two weeks.
I ask them to transfer the money to my bank account immediately. But I haven't received any answer.I would
like to avoid taking legal action.
It would be nice if your organisation could help me to get my money back.
My Poopac accout information are in the attachment.
Kind regards
Ludger Kullmann