Tom z
2022年1月24日 06:07 发表于

尊敬的先生或女士,我在 2021 年 8 月开始与Definitive Forex(以前称为 Vast Forex),我赚取了 6333702 美元的利润,他们要求预付 6,333,702 的 14.8% 的税款,以便提取我的 6638318 美元。因此,我在2021年12月23日支付了937,791 USDT的税款。之后,我在 2022 年 1 月 20 日支付了 47000 USDT 的提款费。现在,他们要求支付 23500 USDT 的费用,才能将钱发放给我。我不介意他们从利润中扣除 23500 USDT
unable to withdraw, keep on asking fees
Dear Sir or Madam, I started trading with Definitive Forex (formerly known as Vast Forex) on August of 2021 and I made a profit of $6333702
They required upfront tax payment 14.8% of 6,333,702 in order to withdraw my money of $6638318. So, I paid 937,791 USDT in taxes on December 23, 2021. After that, they I paid 47000 USDT for withdrawal fee on January 20,2022. Now, they are asking 23500 USDT fee in order to release the money to me. They can deduct 23500 USDT from profit and I don’t mind